
Welcome to Home Plus e-Learning and Training Center

Our goal remains to create innovations to solve healthcare problems wherever they may appear.

Who Are We

Home Plus Medicare Services is a team of technical and medical experts who have come together to pool their decades of experience at digitizing healthcare. We build health solutions for homes, schools businesses, institutions, hospital facilities, independent practitioners, the military and para-military, governments and for other clients as demanded. Our goal remains to create innovations to solve healthcare problems wherever they may appear.

Our Mission

To work for and with people in health organizations and market place; consulting through skilful management to raise the level of service and quality in favour of the users and optimize the use of scarce resources of the service provider within a sustainable SUPPLIES system.

What We Do

Our 4-D Process


Qualitative Analysis

We analyze both clinical and financial data in other to evaluate the need for and effectiveness of health services and health system components.


Quantitative Analysis

Through interviews and observations with staff at all levels of organization, we seek to understand how the culture of each organization can be refined to realize corporate vision and mission.


Significant Partner Involvement

Every HPMS consulting project is led by a partner who delivers the outcomes expected by our clients.


Significant Client Involvement

We involve our clients at every step of our analysis in order to validate data and draw conclusions that lead to rational decisions. 


Why Choose Us?

We are the leader in telemedicine and eHealth in Nigeria and have a wealth of more than 20 years experience in the field. We are known for the following values.

These are our virtues. 

At HPMS we put our customer’s needs first. We foster a company culture dedicated to enhancing customer satisfaction and building strong customer relationships.

Ethics in customer dealings improves the quality of service and fosters positive relationships. This is why we prioritize ethics and morality in all of our dealings.

We at Home Plus have adopted life long learning as an integral part of our operations. We are persistent in acquiring knowledge and competencies in order to expand our skillset and develop future opportunities.

For all of our projects, we adopt creative problem solving (CPS) to develop new ideas and solutions to problems.

We effectively use e-health and m-health technologies in health promotion and primary prevention among both young and old people.

Some Numbers

Satisfied Clients
Projects Completed
Accolades Earned
1 K+
Lines of Code